Representative Joe Bellino joined Greg in studio to discuss his time in Lansing, MI, the greatest threats to our current republic, and his current campaign for State Senator in Michigan. Joe also sat through a segment of "Fre...
Greg was excited to have Les Lanphere on the podcast this week. Les is well known for his Reformed Pubcast podcast, as well as a film maker who has worked in a variety of areas in production and post production on films like ...
Astrophysicist Dr. Hugh Ross is the founder and president of Reasons to Believe (RTB) , an organization dedicated to demonstrating the compatibility of science and the Christian faith. In this 35 minute clip, he briefly expla...
Greg is a currently an elected official and has been a campaign manager, legislative liaison, and a senate cabinet member. He exposes the cult of politics, and the dirty little secrets about what it takes to get elected, how ...
This week Greg read through the blog post from Kris Vallotton titled: Stepping into your royal identity". This article was released on 5/31/22, and has been getting a lot of attention, so Greg reviewed it, and went point/cou...
We packed a lot into this episode! Greg and Jason discussed their thoughts on personality tests and the enneagram, generational curses, and how one can have doubt yet still have assurance. They also talked about viewing the g...
Greg sat down with Chris Huff , host of Matter of Theology this week. We discussed the new Hillsong documentary and Greg's video in response to it that got him in "trouble", as well as the article released by Relevant Magazin...
This week Greg was honored to sit down with Dr. Burk Parsons . Dr. Parsons is the Senior Pastor at St. Andrews Chapel , Chief Publishing Officer and Teaching Fellow at Ligonier Ministries, and Editor of Tabletalk Magazine . ...
In this very special episode, Greg was joined by his wife Samantha, and the always biblical and infamous Rachel Jankovic . We talked about her book "You Who: Why you matter, and how to deal with it" . We discussed what it mea...
This week Greg sat down with Darren Doane . Darren is a past guest and a director, actor, and owner of Doane Creative. We talked about his newest podcast "All My Friends Are Heretics" , how podcasters should view audio vs vid...
This week Greg & Jason sat down to discuss Isaiah chapter 6. We talked about the Glory and presence of God, and the fear and trembling that rightly comes with that. We got into the significance and symbolism of the angels, a...
Greg & Jason sat down for a fun one. We started out seeing if we could break each other with our best dad jokes, moved into our favorite movies and movie quotes, talked about growing up legalist and what shows we could watch,...
This week Greg sat down with Andrew Griffith & Thomas White from Pro Life Man and T. Russell Hunter & James Silberman of Free The States . We discussed the differences and tensions that arise between the Pro Life Movement and...
Jon Moffit Returns! Greg welcomed back Pastor and podcast host Jon Moffitt this week. We discussed the tricky verse of James 2 that seem to allude to a work based salvation. We talked about the entire context of James, if the...
This week Greg & Jason sat down to discuss how we biblically deal with doubt and discouragement. We dug into how important it is for men to rightly deal with these issues, read some examples of doubt and discouragement in men...
This week Greg sat down with gubernatorial candidate Garrett Soldano . Garrett is running for Governor of Michigan, and was the founder of the #UnlockMichigan group that was instrumental in overturning Gov. Whitmer's unconsti...
This week Greg sat down with Charity Nelms . Charity is a Fitness Coach and Flight Attendant. Charity also attended The Ramp , a ministry school based in Pentecostalism with an emphasis on healing and miracles. After the New...
This week Greg was flying solo as Jason was off with some work duties. Greg sat down with Alex Zink, host of the Undying Light Podcast and creator of the @Coram.Deo.Life Instagram account. Alex is a Pastor with the Lutheran C...
This week Greg & Jason had Jake Loop in studio. Jake is a Pastor at North Monroe Street Church of God, a Missionary focused on intercessory prayer and the Director at the Monroe House of Prayer. We discussed the situation i...
What an episode! Greg & Jason sat down with Tom McMillin, three term Michigan State Representative, and current Michigan State Board of Education member. Tom is a reformed brother in the Lord and a libertarian conservative. W...
This week Greg & Jason served up a delicious smorgasbord episode for your hungry podcast bellies. We discussed the real world obstacles and consequences to putting a moon base on the moon, and what it would be like living the...
This week Greg & Jason had on the boys from the Carpe Fide Podcast . Jessie & Justin are two brothers in the Lord that have helped raise thousands of dollars through their merch sales for organizations that are unashamedly pr...
What an episode! We covered topics ranging from the best theme show songs ever to proper beard maintenance, as well as anticipating God's finale justice and living off the grid. It was a buffet episode, and we even reviewed s...
Greg & Jason had our good friend John in the studio to talk all the conspiracy theories! This was a bit of a departure from what we normally do, and more of a stream of consciousness episode. We discussed Chemtrails, Nephilim...